Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Mega Bloks Custom Snake Eyes

Snake Eyes

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Mega Bloks Marvel Custom Tony Stark

I really thought that there should be a tony stark in MB scale.. too bad that marvel Bloks ends without him.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Display Risers for Bricks and Bloks Mini-Figures

I've been trying my best looking on how i can maximize the space of our mini-figures. i've been scouring our local stores and the net for more alternatives. I bought a lot of small acrylic displays for smaller figures, which fits lego and mega bloks mini-figures, but still they need a lot of space even if they are stackable.

One alternative i thought of was to make a lego mini-figure stair riser.

I used the lego digital designer to see how it will look like, problem is.. i need to acquire all those bricks and plates, which is really very expensive for a riser.

i ended up making my own display, using foam boards, made out of thin styrofoam coated with thin hard boards and hot glue :D

The result... more spaces for more figures :D